The Usina Jacarezinho is a sugar and ethanol producer with integrated logistics, operational excellence and value creation in a sustainable way across the entire operations chain.
Currently, Copersucar commercializes all our sugar and ethanol production.

The raw sugar, of darker color and higher saccharose level, is used as raw material for other processes because it may be turned into different types of sugar for the human consumption. It has great attractivity in the international market, especially for the production of refined sugar.

Raw Sugar (VHP)
It is used for the direct consumption as well as in the processes of industrialization of products, such as beverages, candies and other types of food. The production of white sugar requires advanced techniques and several controls that are typical of the food industries.

White Sugar
Ethanol is the biofuel of the future, because it is the energy source that is the cleanest as well as renewable, bringing great competitive advantage to Brazil when compared to other countries.
It has alcohol level above 99.3%, being used as an ecological additive in the mixture with gasoline. Its use reduces the CO2 emissions of the gasoline and contributes with the reduction of pollution and of global warming.

Anhydrous Ethanol
It directly fuels vehicles engines. It may be used alone or mixed at any proportion with gasoline in flex cars. Just like the anhydrous ethanol, it has the same environmental contribution and still enhances engine performance.

Hydrated Ethanol

A partir da biomassa da cana de açúcar, subproduto provindo do açúcar e etanol, a empresa concluiu em outubro de 2020 a instalação da caldeira para produzir a energia. Potencial de geração de 85Mwh para consumo interno e exportação.
Our Certifications
Our production follows international standards of quality management and food safety.
*ISO 9001 : escopo cultivo de cana-de-açúcar, fabricação de açúcar cristal e etanol etílico hidratado e anidro
** FSSC 22000: escopo produção de açúcar cristal branco
*** HALAL: escopo açúcar bruto e açúcar cristal branco à granel