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Maringá Group believes that ethics is an indispensable value in the business environment, and an essential condition for the sustainable growth of the Group and its partners.

This behavior requires a genuine commitment to the balance of the relationships maintained in the exercise of professional activities, in all levels.

To guide the actions of the Group in the relationship with all the stakeholders, we have elaborated our Code of Conduct, which may be accessed in the link below.


In addition, we maintain this permanent channel to receive reports of the situations that may infringe ethics.


We thank your collaboration and consider your contribution very important to the improvement of our business conduct.


This complaint channel ensures absolute secrecy about your identity and confidentiality about the information provided. We remind you that the possibility of knowing who you are and the ability to contact you to request further information regarding the reported issues may expedite the analysis and ensure the execution of more assertive actions. It is up to you to choose the most adequate manner, according to the following options:




  1. Anonymous - You don't identify yourself, but the GT Compliance department is the one that will usually assess the case, however you will not receive a direct feedback about the case's closure.

  2. I’d like to identify myself - You identify yourself, providing your valid e-mail address and phone number for future contact. The GT Compliance will assess the situation and will send you a feedback about the solution given.

Send your message

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